Well, what will it be? Lolo means Grandpa.
or, Maybe this one gives you the confidence of a safe ride on the "Stairway to Heaven"
or, A little support for the team from Utah.
Maybe help us decide if we are getting our money's worth to pay for the security guard to serve and protect the ol' apartment. There are five units and our portion of the fee is 652.5 pesos a month (about $16)
This is Charlie and the cat that adopted him. He is our next door neighbor. He has lived in the Philippines now for about 3 years and has a filipina "wife", although no certificate. Prior to being here, he lived in Cuba where he legally had a wife, twice. (Two different women) The first took his boat and her boyfriend and defected to America. Yes, Charlie went to Cuban prison for a stint, until he convinced the authorities that he had no knowledge and gave no permission to his wife to run off with her boyfriend on his boat. Well, duh........ Although, it makes you wonder, as, since then, he has set her up in a business in Florida.
This is another neighbor, and a pesky one at that. She comes over every night to our porch, I think she lives in our porch plants, and when we open the door she enters with us without even asking. Sometimes she even invites friends. Sister Parsons thinks I ought to give her a kiss to see if she is really a princess.
Volleyball, anyone? Or maybe badminton? My partner and I are unbeaten in jungle ball!
Well, it worked!! I kissed the frogs and who should appear but Tricksie and Miller. Actually, since you obviously don't believe that story, these are two of the 20+ youngsters in the Primary here in Sibulan. They attend each and every week with their Lola, (that would be Grandma Bejarasco)
This is one of Sister Parsons' prize students studying at the keyboard prior to the start of Piano Lessons. Her name is Beverly Lim Salayog. I give her maiden name since as Beverly Lim, she was the very first person baptised on the island of Negros, at least on the Oriental end. That was in 1969. It was interesting because we met her and her husband, who attends my class on Wednesday nights while his wife is learning piano, and then we were given a copy of the convert baptism record kept when the island was opened. Sister Salayog is the apo, (grandchild) of President Lim who was the first Stake President in Manila.
Or, is your music preference of a more traditional nature. We caught this band as they carried their musical instruments and played for businesses along the way. It was really quite good.
I better get this published before Christmas arrives, oh, wait a minute, if I look around it appears that I missed it. Christmas is really a big thing in these islands the stores started putting up Christmas decorations the fifteenth of September. Homes started putting up their decorations about the fifteenth of October. We have even started singing Christmas music in Sacrament Meeting. This picture is taken from the top floor of Lee Plaza, the local shopping mall. Each set of stairs has 32-35 trees. There are 5 sets of stairs.
The deal is it is slow to download pictures to the blog on our Internet connection. I have figured out that if I download a few every night then save them until I have time to write about them I can share more often. So, that is the current plan of attack for the blog site. Love and Kisses,
Elder and Sister Parsons
Great pictures. We love to see and hear about what you are doing in the Phillipines. I love your descriptions of the pictures.
Sister Beverly Lim Salayog is a Sister, not grandchild of President Augusto Lim. I know because I attended her baptism.
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