Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Holiday Parties
Friday, December 26, 2008
"Medical" Topics from Provencial Hospital
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day in the Philippines
Elder and Sister Parsons
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas -- Malipayong Pasko
in their pose for the Nativity Scene.
Notice the angels in a single white sheet,
and the sheep below -- also in a single white sheet.
We did not have enough materials
for individual sheep and angels, therefore,
let your imagination help, please!
One wiseman has a crown
and another has a headband
(Bet you didn't know one wiseman wasn't interested
after all those miles on his camel.)
Joseph with the white sash is Ged Galvez
whom we taught and
he was baptized by his Father
3 weeks ago
we saw in front of a local native crafts shop
inside the same shop made of
a burlap type of cloth
scrunched and colored
to give it the right shapes
-- kinda cool!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
On The Road -- A Site for Sore Eyes

A good look at the construction site. They seem to have more road construction than Denver and Wyoming combined. We think they have a meeting at midnight and decide, "Hey, lets see how the public responds to us tearing up this stretch of the road." Then within hours the pavement is no longer on the street. They don't even wait until one project is finished before the next is started.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hello, It's Us Again
The washing was completed and this seemed like a handy place to get the clothes dry. This scene is in Siaton.
This shot is of the beach where Lolo (Bampa) and Lola (Bamma) scoured to find the shells we sent to the mga Apo (Grandkids). The tides come in and out often and each time the roots of the shoreline trees get weaker and weaker until the trees give up and become floaters. We had tuna fish sandwiches on the beach on the day we found the shells.
One day we will have to stop and read the sign on this historical site. It is right on the Boulevard which runs up and down the beach in Dumaguete.
I really didn't realize that you could tie a baboy (pig) to a tree and expect that it would be there when you returned, but it happens all the time, we observe.
but then to lead them around, one handed even, really tells me that these pigs are entirely different from the ones we raised in Erie. This hog, by the way, is penned behind our apartment. We took this shot from our bedroom window which is, approximately, 100 yards from the pig. I love a good zoom lens.